Links March 15-17 2018
Thursday March 15 2018
Immutable trends suddenly change direction - Linux Journal lays out a plan to cure its addiction to readers' personal data.
"But no law can address the absence of meaning and purpose that many white men appear to feel, which they might be able to gain through social connection to people who never expected to have the economic security and social power that white men once enjoyed."
We can get the web back - how to add back RSS auto-discovery to your website: add a link tag inside the head tag of your website.
"Sites that publish an over abundance of duplicate content without indicating a canonical link may be penalized in search engine rankings."
Immutable trends suddenly change direction - Linux Journal lays out a plan to cure its addiction to readers' personal data.
"But no law can address the absence of meaning and purpose that many white men appear to feel, which they might be able to gain through social connection to people who never expected to have the economic security and social power that white men once enjoyed."
We can get the web back - how to add back RSS auto-discovery to your website: add a link tag inside the head tag of your website.
"Sites that publish an over abundance of duplicate content without indicating a canonical link may be penalized in search engine rankings."