Brave Men, Yes, Men, Can Stand Up to Tech
Standing up to tech -- voicing skepticism towards driverless cars -- means taking a risk that you'll be smeared as neurotic, as a nervous nellie, as old and out of touch, as someone who just doesn't understand technology or mechanics. As too girlie to know what you're talking about.
Which is why we really need men to speak up. Their voices in this debate sound more authoritative and are less quickly dismissed.
Where is the product comparison - are Uber driverless cars more or less responsive than Tesla driverless cars? What tests did they have to pass to get a "license" to drive? What if Uber Automatic Vehicles (AVs) were 10% as responsive as Teslas?
What if Uber AVs are 10% as responsive as humans?
Which is why we really need men to speak up. Their voices in this debate sound more authoritative and are less quickly dismissed.
Where is the product comparison - are Uber driverless cars more or less responsive than Tesla driverless cars? What tests did they have to pass to get a "license" to drive? What if Uber Automatic Vehicles (AVs) were 10% as responsive as Teslas?
What if Uber AVs are 10% as responsive as humans?