Links July 8-15 2018
Wednesday July 11, 2018
"We also found widespread suspicion: 72% of Americans reject the idea that 'what companies know about me from my behavior online cannot hurt me.' When we combined the people who are resigned with those who believe what firms know can hurt them, we found that 41% of Americans are not only resigned, they hold a dark concern that the basic dynamics of the emerging marketplace will cause them injury—and that they cannot control it."
April 2014: A Privacy Call-to-Action for the Data Industry
"Despite how far technological advances have come in the way of customer service, 61% of consumers say human interaction, not digital, keeps them loyal."
"Even if the effect on sales is not always as trackable as in direct-response campaigns, radio is still often an influential touchpoint in brand advertising campaigns."
"But how effective was this strategy? Not very, according to insights platform Alpha, which based its findings off of responses from 1,025 consumers via a marketing research panel."
Facebook removes 'treason' as keyword for user interest.
8 Yoga Poses for Better Digestion
McDonald's Says Goodbye Cashiers, Hello Kiosks
Tuesday July 10, 2018
"Alejandro 'wanted people to have an intimate relationship with their own environment. The problem, he said, was that people had become too dissociated from the circumstances and conditions of their immediate surroundings.' This thesis statement is overly familiar. 'Many people have written about this,' Alejandro concedes at one point, and it’s true. Which certainly doesn’t mean that others, including Gumbiner, shouldn’t. But some ideas in this novel would resonate more loudly if they had gone without saying."
"'It’s nice to do things right,' Alejandro tells Berg at one point. 'You do this one little thing right, in this moment, you fix this one little thing, and then you think, Maybe I can fix my life.'"
Monday July 9, 2018
How Autonomous Vehicles affect land use policy in cities.
Privacy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy) "Like the doctor who makes a decision to operate without consulting the patient, I’m diminishing your autonomy by undermining it. I’m making your decision to share or not to share information with me completely moot." "Locke, according to Myers, saw privacy as essential to civil society because of how it protected the ability to share dissenting opinions and build relationships based on individual trust."
This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.