Human-enhancing Digital Products Coming Soon
Progress! Humans rule.
1. The storytelling kindle - read it for a while, let it talk for a while. Best-selling authors Danielle Trussoni and Walter Kirn in their Writerly podcast describe the new digital book-audio book hybrid coming soon from Amazon. A human can read the book on kindle, then shift and allow the book's author to read aloud the next few pages. Kirn is recording one such book now for Amazon.
Writerly podcast: "Your Work in Audio: Understanding the New World of Audiobooks"
2. Minecraft's "Litcraft" project to engage reluctant readers - classics such as Robert Luis Stephenson's "Treasure Island" are being implemented in video game form.
Guardian article: "How Minecraft is helping kids fall in love with books"
3. Handwriting encouragement tech - typing too much begets humans who lose the ability and need to write. But studies show writing longhand helps us process and remember information. This new notebook allows the human to write, photograph, upload notes into a Google doc that will use OCR technology to read and index them.
Wall Street Journal video: "How to Use Your Handwriting in a Digital World"
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