Paper Media Poll: Lay Readers Follow Bylines

On his person, my older brother held his copy of The Economist in paper device format. As we taxied him from Oakland airport to the latest family gathering, my mother proffered a subscription for my birthday. I'd love one. But who's writing their stories?

"For example Gretchen Morgenson, when I saw her name" in the New York Times, "I'd read past the first paragraph," I said.

"I haven't seen her lately" my mother said.

"I liked her work too" concurred my brother, who considers regional dailies quaint and passe. He, like my mother never worked in news. Infosecurity for big banks is his jam.

I only reported for two years at a local newspaper. Regardless, being the closest thing to a family media "insider," I schooled them: "she might still be there, but the Times stopped displaying bylines." A long pause followed. (Said my inner critic, know your place, last-born.)

I since read Morgenson is covering finance, avec byline, from her new news home at the Wall Street Journal.

<-- Paper Media Poll: For Books, the Screen is 'Fine'. For the New York Times, She Needs Paper | Paper Media Poll: Former Non-reader 'Rick' Now Itches For His Kindle At Lunch -->

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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