Delivering on Deadline

People employed to report news pulsate to a daily rhythm. They "file" on deadline. The first draft of history -- the first cycle of news -- is set by the dailies (daily print newspapers.) Second-cycle outlets like The Atlantic, New Yorker or the Los Angeles Times' corrections synthesize insight and clarity.

Radio reporters follow print media's lead; they write and read -- sometimes even report -- scripts to broadcast "top of the hour" updates. News consumers were already joining a game of double-dutch before the Internet Age.

It's 2019, and the news business' inherent bugs are baking in toward the root. Stories proliferate across shared media before the second-cycle takes hold. We citizens must update how we consume news and report it.

Further Reading:

It all starts with newspapers, John Oliver reported in 2016.

City Prepares for CyberAttacks in Downtown Brooklyn:

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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