Links Feb. 24 - Mar. 2, 2019

Friday Mar 1, 2019

"'Another example of the power of local radio and the local community getting together,' said Paul Ciliberto Market Manager/General Manager of 98.3 WSUL."

Thursday Feb 28, 2019

Facebook admits 18% of Research spyware users were teens, not under 5%:

Brexit and Trump are the Same Crime: The Carole Cadwalladr Interview:

Facebook filed a patent for a ‘civil’ political debate forum:

HBO chief Richard Plepler is leaving the company amid AT&T restructuring:

Forty recycling centers in California closed in the last five years, a Consumer Watchdog report says, and "recommends doubling the amount of deposits to a dime for each glass or plastic bottle or aluminum can to encourage more consumers to recycle, similar to the deposits required in Oregon and Michigan."

Wednesday Feb 27, 2019

Einstein got it - philosophy and science do go hand in hand:

The Senate Commerce Committee discussed what kinds of federal privacy laws would help consumers and minimize harm to businesses today.

In times of rapid change, the Pew poll that tracks trends (tracks cultural change) had to augment its panel, because the means of reaching respondents has been so disrupted, landlines alone won't do the job.

Laid-off newspaper staffers claim a hedge fund is buying up newspapers in the Boulder, Denver, and Rocky Mountain areas and selling them for parts, specifically their offices and printing presses.

"Based on a neuroscience study done on behalf of the UK’s Royal Mail in conjunction with the Centre for Experimental Consumer Psychology at Bangor University we do know that physical items can generate more impact than virtual."

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019

Philosophy of Cynicism:

"Ah, closure, at last. It would have been awkward to tell companies who merged 8 months ago that they had to un-merge."

“I was angry with the way they just strode through the watch world saying, ‘This is the future.’”

Stop the Presses: Third Circuit Limits FTC’s Access to Federal Court for Past Conduct:

"In its ruling, the Third Circuit held that the FTC can only go directly into federal court where it can allege a defendant is violating or about to violate the law."

"The Shire decision means that the FTC cannot use Section 13(b) to address wholly concluded past harm."

New FTC task force will take on tech monopolies:

Digital Must Die:

Someone named Arash Karami, who appears to be a math professor at U.C. Irvine, but has parents or grandparents from Iran, said today on twitter that Iran's foreign minister resigned on Instagram and Rouhani's chief of staff rejected the resignation on Twitter, "which means we'll need a neutral third social media platform to resolve it":

Foreign-Educated Immigrants Are Less Skilled Than U.S. Degree Holders:

After GDPR, The New York Times cut off ad exchanges in Europe — and kept growing ad revenue:

"Social media sites have surpassed print newspapers as a news source for Americans: One-in-five U.S. adults say they often get news via social media, slightly higher than the share who often do so from print newspapers (16%) for the first time since Pew Research Center began asking these questions"

"Overall, television is still the most popular platform for news consumption – even though its use has declined since 2016. News websites are the next most common source, followed by radio, and finally social media sites and print newspapers."

"During a breaking news event, such as a mass shooting, managers will often post conflicting information about how to moderate individual pieces of content, which then appear out of chronological order on Workplace."

"When the community standards did not explicitly prohibit erotic asphyxiation, three former moderators told me, a team leader declared that images depicting choking would be permitted unless the fingers depressed the skin of the person being choked."

Object Detection with 10 lines of code:

Monday Feb 25, 2019

Silicon Valley and 'The Right to Disconnect': "A Yelp employee is suing the Bay Area-based company because he says he was fired for not responding to an email over Easter weekend."   

Twitter Just Removed A Tweet From An Account Linked To Iran’s Supreme Leader, Raising Enforcement Questions:

Sunday Feb 24, 2019

RIP to designer Karl Lagerfeld - a lengthy 2007 New Yorker profile called "In the Now: Where Karl Lagerfeld Lives" prepared this reader for the world's tech changes soon to follow.   ðŸ“°

The state of women in the U.S. media in 2019: Still f'ing abysmal -- especially at Reuters and the AP:

“Whether it’s privacy in the age of self-inflicted surveillance or autonomous weapons systems, we have to have human accountability, human ethics, built in from the start.”


This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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