Feb. Paper Poll 2: For Books the Screen is 'Fine.' For the New York Times, 'I Need the Paper.'

For reading books, the smartphone or Kindle is "fine," San Francisco resident Heike said as she waited for the northbound bus. The New York Times, on the weekend, at home with "my coffee, it's an atmosphere." She needs the paper.

"I know it's bad for environmental reasons," Heike said of her dead-tree indulgence.

Heiki eyed the news on her smartphone at the bus stop. "I just scroll the headlines" of German newsweely Die Zeit. "It would be nice if I could get it in paper. Kindle is the next best thing."

She said San Francisco's International Cafe used to sell the German Die Zeit in print. But retailers and cafes stopped selling international papers in one packed wave within the last decade, she said.

Asked if she also reads Der Speigel, Heike paused. "Not as much."

<-- Paper Media Poll: Tech Workers Commute To The Economist | Paper Media Poll: Lay Readers Follow Bylines -->

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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