Life Tip: Induce an Early Midlife Crisis

Inducing midlife experiences before you've spent your youth, could position you for a more fulfilling midlife stage that supplants old age and makes you a better person than your peers, which is what all humans want.

Midlife Truths:

1. Brocolli
2. Valleys
3. Lanes
4. No
5. Teeth
6. Nothing
7. Ozone Layer
8. The Next Ozone Layer
9. Be Safe Take Risks

1. Broccoli: Cooked salted broccoli drizzled with olive oil is a daily necessity. People will complain your cooked vegetables smell. Let them complain.

2. Valleys: A first adult-era breakup will show you, and a small select group of friends who marry young will never know this: a successful midlife participant will complete crouching-tiger-hidden-dragon leaps over deep, plunging valleys of loneliness that scientific proof at the time will show conclusively to have no end. These valleys are intervals, alternating with mountains.

3. Lanes: in early adult life, your friends and you all drive in the same financial lane. Getting in your own financial lane ahead of midlife will give you a great vantage point to watch the few friends who seemed financially fit in your youth get indicted for embezzlement later.

3b. Lanes: this vantage point will also show you people who should crash and burn manage to get bailed out, then soar to greater wealth.

4. No: you think you know how to say it. Midlife will show you how to really say it.

5. Teeth: you don't understand why you floss so much. Until you do.

6. Nothing: ironically, one cure for loneliness is to disconnect from social media, do nothing and reconnect with yourself. And nature. And a book.

7. Ozone Layer: every generation, when they're about 10 until they're about 30, sees a problem that is positioned to wipe the human race out. By midlife you've seen at least one unsolvable problem get solved.

8. The Next Ozone Layer: by midlife you've seen one large problem you decided not to address, and should have.  Mine was: in 2008 I bought the domain to document ways to minimize alienation caused, ironically, by social media. I never started the site until Feb 2018. In that span, suicides for teen girls tripled, beginning in 2012, the year teen smartphone ownership passed 50% .

9. Be Safe, Take Risks: obey both these rules at all times.

It's the best life stage.

People who stayed youthful into their 80's and beyond: Joan Rivers, Andrew Weil's mother.

Can you add to this list? Please fill out the comment form below.

Further Reading:

An entertaining book on midlife and ageism in the workplace is "Disrupted" by Dan Lyons. The audiobook is good too.

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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