Happy Spring, Housekeeping, Story Updates

It's spring. We're supposed to be happy about this.

While people say "it's BEAUTIFUL weather outside," and you feel guilty for not making more of it, and are puzzled the extra sunshine makes you sleepy, and you note your cramped stomach resulting from inflamed lower bronchials, and you sweep those extra tissues around the house into the trash, did you consider the cause could be ... more allergens in the air?

A few tips to minimize the worst effects of allergens:
  • Standing in a hot steamy shower for a few minutes opens the passageways. 
  • Shower in the morning AND before bed - rinsing nature's particulates that have gathered on your skin and hair throughout the day off your person before sleep, can give you a more rested feeling upon awakening.
  • Change bed sheets more often than winter.
  • Licorice root extract capsules can boost histamines that cause runaway runny nose.
  • Bee pollen capsules - these apparently minimize body allergy-induced inflammation. Has anyone tried them? It's time to make this writer's system an experimental lab.
Speaking of bee pollen capsultes - our local vitamin store closed! Which means bee pollen capsules will have to be purchased online. Less retail more online less serendipitous interaction with humans. People are more politically divided. It's a big adjustment!

Some good news: A lot is happening around the world to combat global warming. People are raising awareness, more countries and regions are moving off coal and converting their grids to draw energy from wind solar and biomass. But it will take a while to cool this planet. 

Meanwhile, with higher average temperatures:
  • water evaporates faster
  • reservoir levels dip lower, earlier in the season
  • trees and plants grow more flammable
  • fires consume carbon-sequestering trees soil and buildings, releasing more CO2
  • fires consume groundcover which held boulders in place, giving way to deadly debris flows
  • the square footage of sun-reflecting white polar icecaps shrinks
  • the square footage of sun-absorbing blue water grows
  • with less solar heat reflected and more solar heat absorbed, the ocean grows warmer

So excuse this writer for furrowing the brow when people declare isn't this weather wonderful! Yes behavior change to correct climate change is happening, but individual homo sapiens, counties, states and nations, could be doing a lot more to minimize CO2 emissions, sequester CO2 back on the earth, brainstorm ideas for updating the infrastructure, rebuild from storms with microgrids. They could do more gardening, planting and politicking - these storms and displacements are catastrophes, but an optimist would say they're job-creating catastrophes! Rebuilding from these events are expensive, but an opportunist would see them as energy-converting infrastructure spending excuses!

We'll need to connect with fellow humans to work on this for our nieces nephews and younger friends to have a chance to grow into middle age.

Since it's election season, it's OK to be redundant on this: it does seem like climate change could be a job-creation opportunity. We need first responders; we need second responders to provide relief to first responders; we need builders for the recovery from fires and hurricanes that will continue to sweep our country and others.

Coming up later this site will post a story about analog version control used in dead-tree newspapers and how this blog will use it to fight cultural ADD.

Story Updates
Later in the week and month we'll post story updates on driverless cars, updates on cryptocurrency, market distortions in France and Silicon Valley. Through the year we'll have material on Project Show Up, more on paper as technology, where fake news is displayed makes it more potent, why peak tech for magazines is a step backwards from Texture, how politicians get in front of parades, and more. We'll post about the FCC and news ecosystem, modern-day media diets as all-you-can-eat buffets, and with all those pieces published plus a few more, we'll have completed the mission of this site. Then we can wrap up this blog and get back to real life.

Until then happy spring. We'll sincerely try to enjoy the weather.

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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