I Need a Device Divorce: Factoring Laptop Activity to Kindle

Seth Godin just validated my spending urge witout meaning to in Are You Making Something?:
One reason for this confusion is that we’re often using precisely the same device to do our work as we are to distract ourselves from our work. The distractions come along with the productivity. The boss (and even our honest selves) would probably freak out if we took hours of ping pong breaks while at the office, but spending the same amount of time engaged with others online is easier to rationalize. Hence this proposal: The two-device solution.
I limit social media + youtube + dailykos.com after five minutes time limit using the timeout plgin. But that's not enough anymore. If I have to do kindle, and a tablet/iPad, and a laptop I'm OK with that.

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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