Eric Schmidt Plans to Publicly Defecate, Love-make in Near Future: WSJ
We will always have privacy, Eric Schmidt. I don't care that you led a commission to produce a report that says privacy will 'effectively disappear'. You will still close the door to the bathroom stall when you engage with a toilet. And you'll duck out from the crowd on many other occassions. We've always had privacy and always will have it.
Further Reading:
Covid-19 Fuels Inequality, Political Divide, Authoritarianism World-Wide, U.S. Intelligence Analysts Say Quadrennial Global Trends report also warns privacy will ‘effectively disappear’ and synthetic media will ‘distort truth and reality’:
This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Further Reading:
Covid-19 Fuels Inequality, Political Divide, Authoritarianism World-Wide, U.S. Intelligence Analysts Say Quadrennial Global Trends report also warns privacy will ‘effectively disappear’ and synthetic media will ‘distort truth and reality’:
This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.