Toward a Daily COVID19 Box Score

Senator Kamala Harris is raising the specter of wildfires or an earthquake occurring while the world is slowly, so painfully slowly, responding to the coronavirus pandemic, COVID19. This is a brainstorm blog post of what a useful daily COVID19 Box Score could consist of.

COVID19 Thursday March 19, 2020

Number of tests administered in each state since January 2020, week-to-date, and yesterday:

Test results (#positive, #negative):

# of first responders in quarantine:   A written summary listing medical personnel, firefighters, police officers in quarantine. Also include count of first responders exposed, with symptoms, not yet tested.

Fatalities and recoveries since January 2020:

Status of medical supply availability, including
  • masks,
  • gloves,
  • ventilators,
  • beds:
...Expressed in a written summary, including which hospitals or medical authorities were contacted, which never responded.

Status of shelter-in-place orders:  When was the last shelter-in-place order given, who gave it, what day are we on, i.e. day x of y total days.

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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