Chaos Manufacture: Lions vs. Hyenas

Anyone who's survived an untreated BPD knows chaos manufacture is a tool to wrest control or diffuse accountability. It's used in business, politics and the animal kingdom.

In National Geographic's "Eternal Enemies" series, a standout episode is "Lions vs. Hyenas: Competing Interests". The reviews on Netflix's DVD page for the episode don't read like reviews of nature documentaries.

More reviews:
  • "Spectacular. This was the most humanizing animal documentary I have ever seen. I felt like I was watching people, and at certain points were really moving and insightful. The animals are so amazing, and one thing I definitely come out with is that hyenas are weird and gross. Bravo."

  • "I love this documentary! I knew hyenas and lions don't get along, but this was very educating. When you think of lions you think unconquerable, but it is amazing how the hyenas work together to defeat their enemy. This is very graphic and emotional so parents beware. I always enjoy watching nature films and this is at the top of my list!"

  • "Not too far in this doc there is a scene about a lioness who gets bit by a cobra and dies. OK, that is real life. OK, I could have done without that particular scene. I would like to know one thing but suppose its just a fact of nature and it will always be..Why must these scenes be so dramatically told by the narrator and why the buildup to the lioness's hunt for a den, just to be hit in the head with the snake right off the bat? OK, its nature, believe me I get it. I went into this doc knowing that. But for the life of me, why the buildup to her finding her den and then the freakin snake stealing the show? Just for once in these nature shows can a producer or writer or director or SOMEONE have one good moment in a scene showing the actual survival of a family for a short while anyway, so a person has a bit of a time to at least follow their steps and appreciate their cunning. Also why the darkness surrounding the theme of the hyenas? Those baby hyenas are every bit as cute and playful as the lions."

Further Reading:

Biomimicry is turning to nature for technological solutions.

The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.

This work by AJ Fish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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