Links Dec 26-29, 2018
Friday, Dec 29, 2018
Instead of taking action to reverse climate change, people are starting "Climate Grief" groups to talk about how sad it makes them.
Friday, Dec 28, 2018
AT&T and Time Warner merger is still pending, after Justice Department appealed: "The DOJ and AT&T already made an agreement to keep Turner’s assets separate unit until Feb. 28, so as to limit impact should the government prevail. That still seems like a long shot, but in the twists and turns of this case, it can’t be ruled out."
From 2014, but only "discovered" this holiday season in a verbal conversation - a billboard which catches people texting and driving and streams it live.
The numbers are all fking fake, the metrics are bullshit, the agencies responsible for enforcing good practices are knowing bullshiters enforcing and profiting off all the fake numbers and none of the models make sense at scale of actual human users.
— Aram Zucker-Scharff (@Chronotope) December 26, 2018
"'It’s all true: Everything is fake,' tweeted Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao regarding a Wednesday New York Magazine article which reveals that internet traffic metrics from some of the largest tech companies are overstated or fabricated. In other words; they’re bullshit."
Wednesday, Dec 26, 2018
Why Data is Never Raw - On the seductive myth of information free of human judgment:
"Lifting a species from its current range and dropping it into an entirely new and unfamiliar ecosystem—a process known as assisted migration—is unorthodox and controversial."
"They are thinking about what kinds of trees the park will need in order to keep its ecosystems healthy in 50 or even 100 years."
How Much of the Internet Is Fake? Turns Out, a Lot of It, Actually:
"The plaintiffs later added a fraud claim, and in Tuesday’s court filing they alleged Facebook knew of irregularities in its video metrics by January 2015 and understood the nature of the miscalculation within a few months, but failed to disclose the information for over a year."

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