I flip-read the e-edition of the newspaper every day as my civic duty. I urge people to subscribe to newspapers as their civic duty. I cringe when I read of shrinking headcount at the regional newspapers across the country. BUT WHEN I SEARCH THE WEBSITE FOR AN ARTICLE I WANT TO SHARE, IT IS NOT THERE! The article, which I found in the e-edition (the paper edition, the "dead tree" edition, in pdf form) is in today's Business section. Its title is "Making technology do an about-face". Its author is Kashmir Hill. It's about scrambling facial recognition technology, a hot topic. If I type the title in sfchronicle.com's search bar, I do not get the article. If I type the author in the sfchronicle.com's search bar, the site displays several articles by that reporter. But not the one I'm looking for. If I search the web for an article with that title, I 'll find it in a site called pressreader.com . At the sfchronicle.com website, if I click ...