News *Homes* Right Now Do The Following: Calm, Synthesize, Fertilize and Lift
I'm now a Maddow convert even though we don't get MSNBC in this apartment. I'd resisted her for years, yet last week she finally penetrated my thick boundaries through the fragmented media scrum , and kept my attention long enough to hook me . Now I seek out her show's fragments via youtube. Also earning my browser's **news home** designations lately are Om Malik , The Daily Beast , and the L.A. Times . These are sites I reach for as I try to wean from twitter. I'm also really loving the podcast Gaslit Nation, whose hosts take punk rock angle at synthesizing news of worlwide corruption. My microsoft edge browser's default homepage is set to . The Beast presents today's horrifying news in a way that synthesizes it, and informs me of reality while lifting my hopes and spirits with variegated stories on life outside of, well alongside, the horror. To wit: a reporter whose name I don't recognize reviewed a random new little-known sho...